City of Del Mar
Design Review Board Agenda
Del Mar Communications Center
240 Tenth Street, Del Mar, California
Wednesday, May 28, 2014 6:00 p.m.
(Application Items)
Please note: Due to the number of items scheduled for this Agenda, there is a high likelihood that the DRB may not be able to conclude its review in one evening. As noted above, if the DRB is unable to complete its review of the Agenda, remaining items will be reviewed at a special adjourned meeting, most likely, the following Wednesday. During the course of this noticed meeting, Board members will make an assessment of whether or not they will be able to complete their review of the Agenda and make a determination as to whether to adjourn to a special meeting.
ITEM 1 DRB-13-17 CDP-13-05 LC-13-05
APN: 300-011-10
Location: 150 13th Street
Applicants/Owners: Mark Savage and Lisa Crawford
Agent: Batter Kay Associates
Zone: R2
Environmental Status: Exempt
Contact Person: Matt Bator, AICP, Senior Planner
Description: A request for Design Review, Land Conservation and Coastal Development Permits to demolish two existing residences and construct a new, two-story, single-family residence over basement with associated grading, landscaping and structural site improvements.
Note: This project is located within the Coastal Commission’s appeals area.
ITEM 2 DRB-13-19 CDP-13-08 LC-13-06
APN: 301-024-12
Location: 340 Ocean View Avenue
Owner(s)/ Applicant(s): Del Mar Ventures, LLC
Agent(s): Brian Church Architecture
Zone: R1-10
Overlay Zone: Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)
Environmental Status: Exempt
Contact Person: Matt Bator, AICP, Senior Planner
Description: A request for Design Review, Land Conservation and Coastal Development Permits to demolish an existing residence and construct a new, two-story, single-family residence over basement, pool and spa, associated cut and fill grading, landscaping and structural site improvements. As part of the requested permit approvals, the applicant is also seeking Design Review Board authorization to remove seven Torrey Pine trees.
ITEM 3 DRB-14-03
APN: 299-220-52
Location: 1663 Luneta Drive
Applicants/Owners: Galen and Terri Pavelko
Agent: Alex Friehauf, Friehauf Architects
Zone: R1-10
Environmental Status: Exempt
Contact Person: Katie Benson,
Assistant Planner
Description: A request for a Design Review Permit to construct an addition, remodel and convert a duplex to a single-family residence with a detached garage and associated landscaping and site improvements.
ITEM 4 DRB-14-05 LC-14-02
APN: 300-410-03
Location: 1127 Cuchara Drive
Applicants/Owners: Mark Baum
Agent: Don Countryman
Zone: R1-10
Environmental Status: Exempt
Contact Person: Joseph Smith, AICP, Associate Planner
Description: A request for a Design Review and Land Conservation Permits for a remodel and additions to an existing single-family residence and attached garage including a relocated air conditioning unit, a new chimney, outdoor covered areas, driveway gate, and entry pergola. The project also includes a new detached, two-story addition east of the residence with a second-story deck and two skylights, heat pumps with screening, detached pergola with trellis, retaining walls, fencing, grading, landscaping, and associated site improvements.
ITEM 5 DRB-14-18
APN: 300-390-31
Location: 531 Rimini Road
Applicants/Owners: Chris and Piper Underwood
Agent: Nick Noyes, Architect
Zone: R1-10
Environmental Status: Exempt
Contact Person: Matt Bator, AICP, Senior Planner
Description: A request for a Design Review Permit to remodel an existing one-story, single-family residence and construct 288 square-feet of new floor area. Other proposed improvements would include changes to the existing roof configuration/heights, construction of new trellis patio cover at the south elevation of the residence, and new fencing.
ITEM 6 DRB-14-04 CDP-14-04 LC-14-01
APN: 300-143-46
Location: 1205 Cuchara Drive
Applicants/Owners: William and Lisa Ruh
Agent: John OBrien, Flagg Coastal Homes
Zone: R1-10
Environmental Status: Exempt
Contact Person: Joseph Smith, AICP, Associate Planner
Description: A request for Design Review, Coastal Development, and Land Conservation Permits to demolish a one-story, single-family residence and construct a new one-story, single-family residence with a lower level and FAR-exempt basement, and an attached two-car garage. Additional proposed improvements include a spa, grading and retaining walls, fencing, outdoor hardscape, landscaping, and associated site improvements.
ITEM 7 DRB-14-08
APN: 299-231-04
Location: 1715/1717 Coast Boulevard
Applicants/Owners: Jeff Kelley
Agent: Bob Scott, AICP, RJS Planning & Sustainability
Zone: RM-West
Environmental Status: Exempt
Contact Person: Katie Benson,
Assistant Planner
Description: A request for a Design Review Permit to remodel a second story deck, construct fencing and perform various site improvements.
Note: The work has been constructed without the benefit of permits.
ITEM 8 DRB-14-17 CDP-14-07 LC-14-04
APN: 300-093-07
Location: 1035 Stratford Court
Applicants/Owners: DMIG 1035 Stratford Ct., LLC
Representative: Howard Gad
Zone: R2
Environmental Status: Exempt
Contact Person: Matt Bator, AICP, Senior Planner
Description: A request for Design Review, Land Conservation and Coastal Development Permits to demolish an existing residence and to construct a new, two-story, single-family residence over basement with associated grading, landscaping and structural site improvements.
ITEM 9 DRB-14-20
APN: 300-410-21
Location: 456 10th Street
Applicants/Owners: Cole and Trace Ann Francis
Agent: Scott Piddington
Zone: R1-10
Environmental Status: Exempt
Contact Person: Matt Bator, AICP, Senior Planner
Description: A request for Design Review to convert an existing duplex into a single-family residence. Exterior improvements would include the construction of new gabled roof structure at the west elevation of the second-story to accommodate new interior stairs and to provide cover for a proposed second-story deck, the addition of new floor area at the northwest corner of the home, and the conversion of existing north elevation floor area to covered outdoor patio space.. Other proposed improvements would include: removal of the existing exterior stairs at the west elevation; modification of various windows and doors; installation of skylights; and the construction of a new trellis entryway structure at the south elevation of the home.
DRB2014.5.28.14 DM116. 5/15/14