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County of San Diego Ramona Community Planning Group FINAL MEETING AGENDA August 7, 2014, 7:00 PM The Ramona Community Library 1275 Main Street, Ramona 1. ROLL CALL (Piva, Chair) 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF 7-10-14 4. Announcements and Correspondence Received 5. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: Opportunity for members of the public to speak to the Group on any subject matter within the Group’s jurisdiction that is not on posted agenda. 6. APPROVAL OF ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Action) 7. ACTION ITEMS: A. (West Subcommittee Project) AD 14-040, Administrative Permit for a Second Dwelling Unit (Oversized Guest House) at 15635 Paseo Penasco B. Status Update/Presentation on Sol Orchard Solar Project with Emphasis on the Work Being Done to Improve Landscaping and Overall Project Appearance C. Presentation by Department of Agriculture, Weights and Measures on Beekeeping Ordinance Change to Promote and Protect Bees. Options Presented Have Been Developed Based on Input from the Industry, Outreach to Communities and the Board of Supervisors. New Setback Requirements are being Considered D. Remodel of Mountain View Community Church, 1191 Meadowlark Way.Presentation on Project Plans to Include Overview of Project Scope and Number of Buildings, Architectural Renderings of New Buildings, Size of New Facilities and Traffic Access. Information Only E. (T&T Subcommittee Project) Request by Ramona Resident to Have Crosswalks at the 8th and Main, and 16th and Main Intersections F. (T&T Subcommittee Project) Request by Ramona Resident for Consideration for a Right Turn Lane from 10th Street to Main St. G. (CUDA Subcommittee Project) Presentation by Ramona Business on Property Available at 500 “A” St. H. (Parks Subcommittee) Update on Current PLDO Projects: Amphitheater Fencing, Sod and Seed; Ramona Soccer League Field Expansion; Skateboard Park Development; Girls Softball LED Scoreboards; Boys & Girls Club Tennis Court Conversion to Basketball Courts; RHS Baseball/Softball Fencing and Dugouts; Community Athletic Complex; Barnett School Playground Project I. POD 13-003 Zoning Ordinance Update No. 30 and County Code Amendment. Includes Changes to Homestays, Farmer’s Markets and Microbreweries. Public Review Ends 8-11-14. Available Online at: www.sdcounty.ca.gov/pds/ceqa_public_review.html 8. GROUP BUSINESS (Possible Action) A. Santa Maria Creek Cleanup Update B. RCPG Member Absences C. Ramona Community Planning Area – 7 Seats (Even Numbered Seats) Up for Reelection. Filing Period for Candidates ends 8-8-14. D. Committee Reports (Possible Action) 8-D-1: DESIGN REVIEW REPORT (Ensign) – Update on Projects Reviewed 8-D-2: VILLAGE DESIGN COMMITTEE REPORT (Brean, Stykel) E. Discussion Items (Possible Action) 8-E-1:Concerns from Members 8-E-2:Future Agenda Item Requests 8-E-3:Addition and Confirmation of New Subcommittee Members,Confirmation of Continuing Subcommittee Members -- Transportation/Trails, South, CUDA, Parks F. Meeting Updates 8-F-1: Board of Supervisor and Planning Commission Meetings 8-F-2: Future Group Meeting Dates – Next RCPG Meeting to be 9-4-14 at the Ramona Community Library, 7 p.m. 9. ADJOURNMENT The RCPG is advisory only to the County of San Diego. Community issues not related to planning and land use are not within the purview of this group. Item #5: Opportunity for members of the public to speak to the RCPG on any subject within the group’s jurisdiction that does not appear as an item on this agenda. The RCPG cannot discuss these matters except to place them on a future agenda, refer them to a subcommittee, or to County staff. Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. Please fill out a speaker request form located at the rear of the room and present to Vice Chairperson. RCPG Final Agenda. 8.7.14. R2924

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