File No.: 2014-024503
Fictitious Business Name(s):
Klutch Fashion
Located at: 13703 Paseo Valle Alto, Poway, CA, 92064, San Diego County. Mailing Address: 13703 Paseo Valle Alto, Poway, CA 92064. This business is registered by the following:
1. Charlotte Olhausen, 13703 Paseo Valle Alto, Poway, CA 92064
2. Holly Zach, 14576 High Valley Rd., Poway, CA 92064.
This business is conducted by: A General Partnership. The first day of business was 9/12/14. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 09/12/2014. Charlotte Olhausen. P4237. Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9, 2014.