Notice of a Special Meeting of the City of Del Mar Design Review Board (DRB)
Del Mar Communications Center
240 10th St., Del Mar, CA
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Note on the meeting start time: This Special Meeting of the DRB will begin either at 5:00 p.m. on the date listed above, or immediately following the conclusion of an adjourned meeting that may be conducted at 5:00 p.m. on that date, as necessary, for the DRB to complete its review of the agenda items scheduled for the DRB’s October 22, 2014 meeting.
The purpose of the meeting is solely to provide training to DRB members on a variety of issues related to the Design Review process and the conduct of DRB meetings. No specific Design Review permit, Land Conservation permit or other development applications will be reviewed during the Special Meeting.
Please see the City’s website for a full Agenda at For additional information about the meeting, please contact the Del Mar Planning Department at 858-755-9313.
drb2014.10.29.DM1254. 10/16/14.