Channel: Marketplace Classifieds: Legals
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CITY OF DEL MAR NOTICE OF ORDINANCE INTRODUCTION AND PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF WATER, WASTEWATER, AND CLEAN WATER RATES AND CHARGES Notice is hereby given that on November 17, 2014, at 6:00pm (or as soon thereafter as practical) at the City Council Chambers of Del Mar, 240 Tenth Street, Del Mar, CA, 92014, the City Council of the City of Del Mar will hold a public hearing to consider the adoption of an ordinance increasing the City’s Water, Wastewater, and Clean Water Rates and Charges, and Water and Sewer Plan in the Event of Mandatory Water Rationing to take effect January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2019. The schedule of the proposed rates and charges is available at www.delmar.ca.us/utilityrates. The City Council will also consider a proposed ordinance to establish a non-compliance surcharge for the Fats, Oils, and Grease Program. The City Council will hear testimony regarding the proposed increases in the Water, Wastewater, and Clean Water Rates and Charges for 2015 through 2019. The proposed increases are a result of the increased costs of the City’s Water, Wastewater, and Clean Water Programs. The rate structure studies, the basis for the fees, and a full copy of the ordinance are available for inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, located at Del Mar City Hall, 1050 Camino del Mar, Del Mar, California, 92014, or online at www.delmar.ca.us/utilityrates. At the Public Hearing on November 17, 2014, any interested person, including all persons owning property in the City or served by the City’s Water, Wastewater, or Clean Water utilities, may appear and be heard and/or submit written materials as to whether the proposed charges are discriminatory or excessive, or will not be sufficient under Government Code 54515, or will not comply with any other provision of Chapter 6, starting at Government Code Section 54300 or Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code, or will not be sufficient under the provisions or covenants of any outstanding revenue bonds of the City payable from the revenues of the water, wastewater, or clean water enterprises, or any other matter relating to rates and charges. All written protests must include the signature of the protester and his or her name, the address of the site served by the utility, and whether the protester is a property owner or a rate-payer or both. The identifying information shall be clearly typed or printed on the protest letter. These written protests, submitted to the City Clerk and received prior to the close of the public hearing on Monday, November 17, 2014, will be presented to the City Council at the public hearing. E-mail protests will not be accepted. If a majority of record owners or rate payers submit written protests to the proposed increases, the City Council shall not impose the proposed increases. Andrew Potter Administrative Services Director Date: October 30, 2014 PHNT 11.17 water.sewer.rates_DM1259. Nov. 6, 13, 2014.

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