Channel: Marketplace Classifieds: Legals
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CITY OF DEL MAR NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Del Mar (City), in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), has completed a Negative Declaration for a project involving the remodeling and additions to a single family home known as the Arya Remodel (proposed project). Project Name: Arya Remodel Project Location: 521 Avenida Primavera, Del Mar, CA Project Description: The project consists of the remodeling and additions to a single family residence on a 11,066 sq. ft. site located at 521 Avenida Primavera in a fully urbanized area of the City of Del Mar, California. The structure was designed and built in 1954 by noted architect, Cliff May. However, a detailed analysis concludes that the ranch-style home has undergone such extensive modification since its original construction that it does not qualify as an historic resource. The project is subject to the receipt of a Design Review Permit issued by the City of Del Mar Design Review Board (DRB), application DRB14-047. Findings: Pursuant to the provisions of the CEQA (Public Resources Code, Section 21000 et seq.) and based on information contained in the completed Initial Study Checklist, the City of Del Mar has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Negative Declaration has been prepared. Public Review: A printed copy of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study are on file and available for public review at: City of Del Mar, Community Planning and Community Development, 1050 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, CA 92014. Written comments will be accepted from November 21 to December 10, 2014. Any person wishing to comment on the adequacy of these documents must submit comments in writing at the following address: City of Del Mar Attention: Adam Birnbaum, Planning Manager 1050 Camino Del Mar Del Mar, CA 92014 NOI.Arya. DM1270. 11/20/14.

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