NOTICE AND SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 773 which was introduced at the regular City Council meeting of February 3, 2015. This Ordinance is scheduled for adoption at the Regular City Council Meeting of February 17, 2015. Full text is available in the City Clerk's Office at 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CA or online at
ORDINANCE NO. 773 entitled, “AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 17.04.251, AMENDING SECTIONS 17.08.090, 17.08.180, 17.10.160, 17.16.020, 17.21.020, 17.22.020, 17.23.020, 17.24.020, 17.26.030, 17.27.020, 17.28.010, AND 17.28.020, ADDING SECTION 17.28.030, AMENDING SECTIONS 17.42.050, AND 17.52.050, AND REPEALING SECTION 17.46.020 OF THE POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE, CONSISTING OF minor text revisions, additions, DELETIONS, and clarifications to various sections. (ZOA 14-005).”
This proposed ordinance would amend the Poway Municipal Code Title 17 (Zoning) consisting of minor text revisions, additions and clarifications to various sections. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its adoption. Published in the Poway News Chieftain on Thursday, February 12, 2015. Order No. 15-010. P4400.