Channel: Marketplace Classifieds: Legals
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NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Alamo Self Storage, wishing to avail themselves of the provisions of applicable laws of the State of California, hereby gives Notice of Sale under said law to wit: Section 21700 through 21715 of the Business and Professions Code, Section 2328 of the Commercial Code, Section 535 of the Penal Code. On March 13, 2015, at Alamo Self Storage, 327 Pine St., Ramona, CA 92065 @ 1:00 P.M., Alamo Self Storage will conduct a Public Sale to the highest bidder for cash, the contents of space # (see below) rented by (see below), consisting of household goods, business property and personal property contained in the following units: UNIT, NAME, SIZE #256 - Jason Stinett, 20x20 #037 - Jayson Garmon, 10x20 #294 - Jeremy Young, 10x10 #450 - Jeneva Sprecco, 10x20 #272 - Julie Garcia, 10x20 #050 - Enrique D. Dinero, 5x5 Owner reserves the right to bid and to refuse or reject any and all bids. The sale is being made to satisfy an owner’s lien. The public is invited to attend. AUCTIONEER: AMERICAN AUCTIONEERS BOND #FS863-20-14 800-838-7653 Alamo Self Storage 327 Pine Street Ramona, CA 92065 760-789-6733 R3080. 2/26/15, 3/5/15.

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