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CITY OF DEL MAR Watermark Del Mar Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report Notice of Preparation Date: March 12, 2015 To: State Clearinghouse, Responsible Agencies, Trustee Agencies, Interested Parties and Organizations From: City of Del Mar, 1050 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, California 92014 Subject: Notice of Preparation (NOP) of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and Scoping Meeting for the Proposed Watermark Project The City of Del Mar (City) will be the Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as amended [Public Resources Code, §21000-21178 and California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3 §15000-15387] and will initiate the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in accordance with CEQA for the proposed Watermark Specific Plan (proposed project). This Notice of Preparation (NOP) provides information describing the proposed project and its potential environmental effects. The Draft EIR will describe the project need, goals, and objectives, baseline environmental conditions in the project study area, and the potential environmental effects associated with implementation of the proposed project. The City is requesting input from government agencies, other organizations, and private citizens regarding the scope and content of the environmental information to be included in the Draft EIR. Responsible agencies are requested to indicate their statutory responsibilities in connection with the proposed project. Public agencies receiving this NOP may need to consider the Draft EIR if they need to issue permits or other approvals for the proposed project Project Background: The proposed project involves legislative and development components that would be addressed through a Specific Plan process. The Specific Plan process ensures that opportunities for the involvement of citizens, public agencies, public utilities, civic education, and other community groups are provided. These opportunities are provided through the preparation of the Specific Plan by the Project to encompass the legislative actions to assign a new Community Plan, Zoning Map and Local Coastal Program designations in addition to the accompanying CEQA documentation. Project Description: The proposed project would be a multifamily residential development consisting of 12 structures that would feature 48 residential units, with a proposed density of 20.24 units per acre. The residential units proposed would consist of a mix of studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom units. The unit mix provides for a variety of options for residents with varying income levels. The proposed project would also include a recreation room, a pool and a spa area for the use of residents and associated maintenance and administrative amenities. The proposed project would provide a secured 105 stall parking structure on the 2.37 acre site. The proposed project includes a vehicular access point from San Dieguito Road to the secured parking structure. Project Location: The proposed project site is located approximately 0.76 miles west of the Interstate 5 (I-5) and 0.32 miles east of the Camino Del Mar in the City of Del Mar, California. The site is located on the southern corner of the intersection of Jimmy Durante Boulevard and San Dieguito Road. The proposed project site currently consists of two parcels, Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 299-100-47 and 299-100-48 totaling approximately 2.37 acres. The existing site is vacant and is currently used for paid fairground, race track, and event parking. The site is in the North Commercial (NC) Zone, the Bluff, Slope and Canyon (BSC) Overlay and the Lagoon Overlay Zones. Public Review Period: The City has determined to make this NOP available for public review and comment pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15082(b). The comment period for the NOP begins on March 12, 2015 and ends April 10, 2015. Responses and Comments: Please provide your written comments including specific statutory responsibilities of your agency, as applicable. Written comments on the NOP and on the content of the forthcoming Draft EIR should be submitted no later than Friday April 10, 2015 at 4:30 PM. Please send your responses and comments to Matt Bator – City of Del Mar, 1050 Camino del Mar, Del Mar, CA 92014; or E-mail: MBator@delmar.ca.us. Public Scoping Meeting: The City will hold a public scoping meeting on March 26, 2015 at 6:00 PM in the Del Mar City Hall Annex located at, 235 11th Street, Del Mar, California. You are welcome to attend and present environmental information you believe should be addressed in the EIR. NOP.3.26.15. DM1336. 3/12/15

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