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County of San Diego Ramona Community Planning Group PRELIMINARY MEETING AGENDA July 2, 2015 @ 7 PM Ramona Community Library, 1275 Main Street, Ramona 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL (Piva, Chair) 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF 6-4-15 4. Announcements and Correspondence Received 5. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: Opportunity for members of the public to speak to the Group on any subject matter within the Group’s jurisdiction that is not on posted agenda. 6. APPROVAL OF ORDER OF THE AGENDA (Action) 7. ACTION ITEMS: A. Presentation on the SR 67 – Dye Road Improvement Project by Caltrans To Provide the RCPG Information on the Project and Planned Improvements to the Intersection B. Informational Presentation by San Diego County Water Authority on a preliminary permit (City of San Diego is co-permittee) issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a potential project near Ramona that could involve developing a pumped storage hydroelectric facility near San Vicente Reservoir in the next decade C. (South and Transportation/Trails Subcommittee Projects) MUP 14-013, Solar Energy Project proposed for the northwest corner of Creelman Ln and Ashley Rd. Mitigated Negative Declaration.  Project is a Major Use Permit to construct a 4.0 MW solar energy facility on 18.3 acres.  Solar modules will be mounted on a fixed tilt system with a maximum height of 11.5 feet.  Public comment period is 6 4-15 through 7-6-15 at 4 p.m..  Available at: http://www.sdcounty.ca.gov/pds/ceqa_public_review.html D. AD 15-019, Administrative Permit for Brushing/Clearing for 8,200 Sq Ft, Pre-Fabricated, Non-Habitable Agricultural Storage Building at 15635 Paseo Penasco.  Seward, Representative E. Sol Orchard Landscape Maintenance for the Pathways, Warnock Dr and Dye Rd 8. GROUP BUSINESS (Possible Action) A. DESIGN REVIEW REPORT (Ensign) – Update on Projects Reviewed B. Discussion Items 8-B-1: Concerns from Members 8-B-2: Future Agenda Item Requests 8-B-3: Addition and Confirmation of New Subcommittee Members C. Meeting Updates 8-C-1: Report on CPG/SPG Chair Meeting at County PDS 6-20-15, Includes Ag Promotion Program and Stormwater Regulations 8-C-2: Report on Tiered Winery Ordinance Amendment Meeting at County PDS 7-1-15 8-C-3: Board of Supervisor and Planning Commission Meetings 8-C-4: Future Group Meeting Dates – Next RCPG Meeting to be 8-6-15 at the Ramona Community Library, 7 p.m. 9. ADJOURNMENT The RCPG is advisory only to the County of San Diego. Community issues not related to planning and land use are not within the purview of this group. Item #5: Opportunity for members of the public to speak to the RCPG on any subject within the group’s jurisdiction that does not appear as an item on this agenda. The RCPG cannot discuss these matters except to place them on a future agenda, refer them to a subcommittee, or to County staff. Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. Please fill out a speaker request form located at the rear of the room and present to Vice Chairperson. RCPG Prelim 7.215. R3192. 6.25.15.

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