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County of San Diego Ramona Community Planning Group FINAL MEETING AGENDA January 9, 2014 7:00 PM @ the Ramona Community Center 434 Aqua Lane, Ramona 1. ROLL CALL (Piva, Chair) 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF 11-7-13 4. Announcements and Correspondence Received 5. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: Opportunity for members of the public to speak to the Group on any subject matter within the Group’s jurisdiction that is not on posted agenda. 6. ACTION ITEMS: A. (West Subcommittee Project) TM 5250 Montecito Ranch Proposal. Request for a Reduction in Grading from 2.9 million cubic yards to 2.0 million cubic yards and a Reduction in Blasting due To Reconfiguration of Internal Lots and Internal Road Network. All Amenities Remain the Same. Chris Brown, Representative B. Request by Mt. Woodson HOA to Process a Minor Deviation Application Regarding Relocation of the North Entrance Gates. Steve Powell, Representative C. (CUDA Subcommittee Project) Jim Hagey is exploring the viability of a town square next to Elliott Pond. His early ideas include 3 or 4 small sidewalk cafes, wine bar, brew pub, art gallery, gazebo for plays, place for yoga, free Wi-Fi, a lot of shade. Requests input. D. (East Subcommittee project) Requested Zoning Change on J. Hawkin’s Parcels #287-032-08-00, 287-032-11-00, and 287-050-0200, Previously Property Specific Request RM 22, from RL 80 to RL 40. Littlepage Rd. E. Informational Presentation by Bill Saumier and Sean O’Neill, County Parks And Recreation Department, on 1). Upcoming changes to the Parks and Recreation fee ranges, and 2). Parks and Recreation building and facility naming rights. Item to go before the Board of Supervisors in January or February 2014. 7. GROUP BUSINESS (Possible Action) A. Election of Officers for 2014: Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary B. Santa Maria Creek Cleanup Update C. Consideration of Adding “Approval of Order of the Agenda” to the Agenda D. Committee Reports (Possible Action) 7-D-1: Parks and Recreation Subcommittee Meeting Business – Update on Park Land Dedication Ordinance (PLDO) Priority List Submitted August 2013. Parks and Recreation Meeting Canceled 7-D-2: DESIGN REVIEW REPORT (Cooper) – Update on Projects Reviewed by the Design Review Board 7-D-3: VILLAGE DESIGN COMMITTEE REPORT (Brean, Stykel) E. Discussion Items (Possible Action) 7-E-1: Concerns from Members 7-E-2: Future Agenda Item Requests 7-E-3: Addition of New Subcommittee Members F. Meeting Updates 7-F-1: Board of Supervisor and Planning Commission Meetings 7-F-2: Future Group Meeting Dates – Next RCPG Meeting to be 2-6-14 at the Ramona Community Center, 7 p.m. 8. ADJOURNMENT The RCPG is advisory only to the County of San Diego. Community issues not related to planning and land use are not within the purview of this group. Item #5: Opportunity for members of the public to speak to the RCPG on any subject within the group’s jurisdiction that does not appear as an item on this agenda. The RCPG cannot discuss these matters except to place them on a future agenda, refer them to a subcommittee, or to County staff. Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. Please fill out a speaker request form located at the rear of the room and present to Vice Chairperson. Final Agenda 1.9.14_1.9.14. R2740

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