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CITY OF POWAY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Notice is hereby given that the City of Poway, California will accept sealed proposals at the Public Works Administration Office, 14467 Lake Poway Road, Poway, California 92064 until 2:00 p.m. January 29, 2014. Proposals shall be submitted in plain, sealed envelopes, marked on the outside with the project title: Confidential-City of Poway Annual Levy Process for Special Districts and Fire Protection Special Tax RFP 14-007. This Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued to invite Consultants to submit proposals to complete all requirements, including preparation of Engineer’s Reports, for the City’s Special Districts (i.e., Landscape and Lighting Maintenance) annual levy process and, as a separate project, for the Fire Protection Special Tax annual levy process. The City reserves the right to cancel this Request for Proposal at any time and for any reason without any liability to any proponent or to waive irregularities at its own discretion. The City reserves the right, after opening proposals, to reject any or all proposals, to accept or reject any one or more items of a proposal, to make award to the lowest responsible proposer and reject all other proposals, to waive any informality in the proposal, and to accept any proposal or portion of it. The award of the Agreement, if made, will be made to the proposer or proposers, who in the sole discretion of the City will best be able to perform the Agreement in a manner most beneficial to the City of Poway. Additional submission requirements - One (1) original and two (2) copies must be submitted by each Consultant. Submit a separate, sealed fee proposal, including a statement of cost breakdown associated with each of the tasks as outlined in each scope of work. The Consultant is liable for any of the costs incurred in preparing and submitting a proposal. Standard Agreement Length: The length of this Agreement shall be for two (2) years beginning on March 5, 2014 through March 4, 2016 with the start date of the Agreement dependent on the date of award of the Agreement by the City Council. The Agreement may be extended with a total of three (3) separate one-year time extensions. The maximum length of the Agreement can be up to five (5) years. The option to renew may be by mutual agreement between the City and the selected Consultant and subject to annual appropriation of funds. Each renewal period, the Consultant's costs shall be adjusted based on the annual change in the previous calendar year's Consumer Price Index for the San Diego area (Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers CPI-W) or 5%, whichever is less. The first adjustment would occur no earlier than the first renewal which is approximately March 5, 2016. All proposals must be received by the City by the deadline stated below. The RFP document can be downloaded free of charge through the City’s website, www.poway.org or for $3.00 at the Public Works Administration office. For further information contact Diane Mann, Public Works Supervisor, at (858) 668-4704 or by email at dmann@poway.org. Published in the Poway News Chieftain on Thursday, January 16 & 23, 2014. Order No. 14-002 P3862

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