FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 2013-020378 Fictitious Business Name(s): a. Close Up Skincare b. Close Up Beauty c. Up Close Skincare d. Up Close Beauty Located at: 7742 Herschel Ave., Suite J, La Jolla, CA, 92037, San Diego County. Mailing Address: 7742 Herschel Ave., Suite J, San Diego, CA 92037. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The first day of business was 7/15/2013. This business is hereby registered by the following: Helen Koules, 6107 Terryhill Dr., La Jolla, CA, 92037. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County on 07/15/2013. Helen Koules. LJ1462. July 25, Aug. 1, 8, 15, 2013.