Del Mar Annex
235 11th Street, Del Mar, California
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Planning and Community Development Director will hold a hearing and make a determination regarding the application listed below on Thursday, February 13, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. Said determination will result in the approval, conditional approval, or denial of the application. The hearing will be held at the Del Mar City Hall Annex, 235 11th Street, Del Mar, CA 92014. The Director’s action shall be deemed final if no written appeal is filed with the City Clerk within 10 days following the determination.
OPP: 14-01
APN: 300-030-83
Applicants/Owners: Paul Chasen
Zone: Central Commercial (CC)
Staff Contact: Matt Bator,
AICP, Senior Planner
Project Description: A request for approval of an Off-Hours Public Parking Permit to allow general public parking for a commercial property’s 14 parking spaces during the non-operational hours of the site’s permitted businesses. The permit application includes associated requests for the authorization to charge parking fees, to be collected via a web-based parking payment system, and associated signage.
If you are interested in reviewing plans of the proposed Coastal Development Permit and/or obtaining further information related to the hearing process, including how to present your comment, objection, or support for the proposed project to the Planning and Community Development Director, please contact the Planning Department, 1050 Camino del Mar, Del Mar, California 92014. Telephone (858) 755-9313. COUNTER HOURS: MONDAY-THURSDAY 1:00P-5:30P and FRIDAY 1:00P-4:30PM
OPP.14-01. 1.30.14. DM1081