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City of Del Mar Design Review Board Agenda Del Mar Communications Center 240 Tenth Street, Del Mar, California Wednesday, March 26, 2014 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES UPDATE HEARING FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA DESIGN REVIEW BOARD/STAFF DISCUSSION (Non-Application Items) 1. Bike Rack Program for Public Right-Of-Way DISCUSSION AND BRIEFING (Application Items) CONSENT CALENDAR ADMINISTRATIVE DESIGN REVIEW(S): ITEM 1 ADR-14-04 APN: 299-095-05 Location: 122 24th Street Applicants/Owners: Jonathan Neeley Agent: Marcie Harris Landscape Architecture Zone: R1-5B Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Joseph Smith, AICP, Associate Planner Description: A request for a Design Review Permit to construct new planter walls, fencing, and two vehicle gates, a 45 square foot shed (not to exceed 6 feet in height), water feature, landscaping, and hardscape. CONTINUED APPLICATION(S): ITEM 2 DRB-13-19 CDP-13-08 LC-13-06 APN: 301-024-12 Location: 340 Ocean View Avenue Owner(s)/ Applicant(s): Del Mar Ventures, LLC Agent(s): Brian Church Architecture Zone: R1-10 Overlay Zone: Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Matt Bator, AICP, Senior Planner Description: A request for Design Review, Land Conservation and Coastal Development Permits to demolish an existing residence and construct a new, two-story, single-family residence over basement, pool and spa, associated cut and fill grading, landscaping and structural site improvements. As part of the requested permit approvals, the applicant is also seeking Design Review Board authorization to remove seven Torrey Pine trees. ITEM 3 DRB-13-25 APN: 300-251-29 Location: 563 Orchid Lane Applicants/Owners: Pinczower Agent: Robert Scott Zone: R1-10 Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Katie Benson, Assistant Planner Description: A request for a Design Review Permit to remodel and construct a second story addition and deck, patio trellis and associate site improvements to an existing single-family residence. NEW APPLICATION(S): ITEM 4 DRB-13-27 CDP-13-10 APN: 299-0914-04 Location: 225 25th Street Applicants/Owners: Andrew and Belinda Donner Agent: Bokal and Sneed Architects Zone: RM-East Overlay Zone: Floodplain Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Joseph Smith, AICP, Associate Planner Description: A request for a Design Review and Coastal Development Permits to demolish an existing single-family residence and construct a new, two-story, single-family residence with attached garage, landscaping and associated site improvements. Note: This project is located within the Coastal Commission’s appeals area. ITEM 5 DRB-14-01 CDP-14-01 APN: 299-065-17 Location: 139 27th Street Applicants/Owners: Carson Agent: Bokal and Sneed Architects Zone: R1-5B Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Katie Benson, Assistant Planner Description: A request for a Design Review and Coastal Development Permit to demolish a single-family residence and construct a new, two-story, single-family residence with detached garage, landscaping and associated site improvements. Note: This project is located within the Coastal Commission’s appeals area. ITEM 6 DRB-14-02 APN: 299-096-09 Location: 136 23rd Street Applicants/Owners: Steven and Jennifer Bollert Agent: Stephen Dalton Architects Zone: R1-5B Overlay Zone: Floodplain Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Joseph Smith, AICP, Associate Planner Description: A request for a Design Review Permit to remodel an existing single-family residence, construct a new second-story deck with trellis, second-story balcony, roof deck with stair, outdoor shower, site wall, relocated mechanical equipment, and expand an existing second-story deck and roof overhang. ITEM 7 DRB-14-03 APN: 299-220-52 Location: 1663 Luneta Drive Applicants/Owners: Galen and Terri Pavelko Agent: Alex Friehauf, Friehauf Architects Zone: R1-10 Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Katie Benson, Assistant Planner Description: A request for a Design Review Permit to construct an addition, remodel and convert a duplex to a single-family residence with a detached garage and associated landscaping and site improvements. ITEM 8 DRB-14-06 APN: 300-331-08 Location: 334 El Amigo Road Applicants/Owners: Carol Kerridge Agent: Tyler Buffett, Buffett Design Zone: R1-10 Environmental Status: Exempt Contact Person: Matt Bator, AICP, Senior Planner Description: A request for a Design Review Permit to remodel the exterior of an existing residence. New exterior improvements would include: construction of a 140 square-foot garage addition; a new gable roof over the southwestern portion of the home; new windows; and relocation of the existing chimney flue. ADJOURNMENT drb2014_3.26.14. DM1108. 3/13/14

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