File No. 2014-004856[br]Fictitious Business Name(s):[br][font=font7271]a. REBEL RANCH[br]b. REBEL RANCH VINEYARDS[br]c. REBELRANCH.COM[br][/font]located at: 23240 Sageland Dr., Ramona, California 92065, San Diego County. This business is conducted by: Husband and Wife. The first day of business: has not yet started. This business is hereby registered by the following: MICHAEL FRYMAN 23240 Sageland Dr., Ramona, California 92065. MARLA FRYMAN, 23240 Sageland Dr., Ramona, California 92065. This statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on 02-20-2014. Marla Fryman.