Pursuant to California Government Code sections 50050, et seq., the City of Del Mar gives notice of unclaimed monies in the amount of $126,301.83 that remain in its treasury for 3 years. If no verified complaint has been filed and served to recover the monies after 45 days following the date of this notification, the unclaimed monies shall become the property of the City of Del Mar. These monies are being maintained in the City’s General Fund. A party of interest may file a claim to the City Treasurer by requesting a Claim Form for Unclaimed Monies from The Claim Form for Unclaimed Monies must include the claimant’s name, address, amount of claim, the grounds on which the claim is founded, and any other information that may be required by the City Treasurer. All Claim Forms for Unclaimed Monies shall be directed to the City Treasurer, c/o Del Mar Finance Department at 1050 Camino del Mar, Del Mar, CA 92104. The deadline for filing a Claim Form for Unclaimed Monies is August 24, 2015.
Pub. Ntc.7.9. DM1408. 7/9/15 & 7/16/15.